But we can't live in the past.
AND Wash U starts their post-season this Friday, so I had to advertise for the girls. (Friday at 7pm) Usually free, but since it's a tournament game, tickets are like 3.50 or something.. still the best cheap entertainment in town if you ask me... So go see them.. either Friday at 7 and potentially Saturday at 7 if they put the smack down.
Work has been crazy. I flop between feeling like a champ and a chump almost indistinguishably. It's good to keep humble I suppose, but it's really hard to feel like a moron all the time. Sometimes the only time I feel purposed is getting the trivial pursuit question of the day correct. Small victories.
I've been playing copius amounts of volleyball lately. It's not that I'm sick of playing (heck no) but I'm so busy all the time. It's three nites a week. Take out bible study nite and that leaves me with zero free nights with which to let things develop spontaneously. Very sad. But.. I am getting to play a ton of volleyball.
Been having discussions lately about getting older. It's so weird. I'm 26, and getting to 27 (in September) sounds SOOooo much older than 26. Is it because now you round up to 30? I think I'm going to like being 30 because there is a fair amount of drama to leave behind, but I also when I whine about being single people have stopped saying: "Shut up, you are only twenty three" it's more like "Yeah...yeah, that would be hard." So the nightmare that I'd been having since I was 19 about being unmarried at 30 seems closer and closer at hand, yet, somehow I'm ok with it. Ultimately, we just aren't here for very long. I would rather not waste anymore precious time in bitterness or jealousy. I am CERTAIN that is nowhere in the plan for Lindsey's most effectively lived life...
I also think that I have too many theories about life. (Think I just heard an "Amen") I think I have too many quick fix type answers to things, and that the real things that matter in life are much more habitual. Like honesty, integrity, discipline, faith, prayer, friendship, patience, forgiveness. They are not glamourous by any means, not trendy or new ideas, but they work and have worked for centuries.
Left foot, right foot, breathe.
Jesus, help me do the harder day to day work of being non-glamourous, of being faithful. I heave my broken self up onto your surgeons altar and say. "Fix me."
While you are at it.. I could use some new knees for playing volleyball.
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