Saturday, June 03, 2006

Stained Glass Window to my Soul.

I am oddly drawn to the imagery of stained glass. It's this intricate puzzle only makes sense when light shines through it. Even if you put all the pieces together perfectly, without light, it's not alive, and it's not fufilling it's purpose. But when the light hits it...

I know nothing about life; I'm 22, jobless, aimless and unsure of anything, dirty, sweaty and tired from riding in a bus all day. Growing numb from all the sights and the barrage on the senses that is a 17-day whirlwind tour of Europe. I find myself in a Cathedral in France. I find myself struck.

I find myself.

I gaze up at the most beautiful stained glass windows I've ever seen, in a blue that makes my breath catch in my chest and tears come to my eyes, I tiptoe around afraid that if I made a wrong move, they would all come crashing down around me. Images of Jesus and Mary and every biblical story that I had been just recently inhaling. I was jealous of the citizens of the town. I bought a thousand postcards and took pictures that did no justice. I brought the pieces home with me and framed them. Right now they are in my bathroom, only because they don't make wallpaper with those images, or else I'd wrap the entire house with it inside and out. Just today I found out that they are Chagall's.

It's was the first piece of art that I loved. I loved how it made me feel, I loved that it was of Christ, I loved that it felt like it was mine. Now that I know more about Chagall, it makes it even more special. He was a devoted family man, who smeared his happiness all over canvases and glass, in the form of a Savior and of violin playing goats.

For my birthday my roomate sara bought me a mini stained glass window that I love. It turned out to be a Chagall too. This I recieved before I went to Europe.

Interesting, I thought, that all of the things that struck my eyes and heart as beautiful turned out to be from the same creator.

One that seems to know just what I need.


Marti said...

This is a bit long, but I couldn't resist after reading your post.

"Stained Glass Window" by Clay Crosse

"Just beneath the rafters
In a church of stone
Laid a stained glass window
In the attic all alone.

A work of art forgotten,
A treasure thrown away
Taken from the sunlight,
It was just a useless frame.

I took the stained glass window
And held it to the light
Years of hidden glory
Reappeared before my eyes

Every brilliant color
Glowing like a fire
Full of revelation
And created to inspire

Thirsting for the morning sun
I am Yours, Thy will be done
Let Your love in me unfold
With its beauty to behold.

There's a stained glass window
In the soul of a man
A pattern of perfection
That was made with holy hands

And with the light of heaven
Pouring through each pane
Truth in all its splendor
Is revealed and will remain.

The things in life we take for granted...
The things of wonder we could know...
I want to be illuminated
Full of Heaven's light
Shining through my life
Let the window of my heart reveal your love."

Black Sheeped said...

Unless I totally misunderstood health class in 9th grade.