Maybe the funniest thing I have ever seen happened today. Well.. maybe I exaggerate, but I'll let you judge. I was transporting some friends bags from storage at our old hotel to our new apartment near the trainstation and a friend was helping me. Thank God. We walked across the train station platform to see a woman Chris and I called a "missourian" only because she didn't look Swiss. Black greasy hair, sweat pants, sweatshirt, and she was spilling out of a convenience grocery store, yelling in German, and very angry. In fact it seemed to me that she just had gotten thrown out of the store and was attempting to hit the security guard who was throwing her out. She was NOT happy. I believe she had punched him just before she was tossed out. She was just going on and on. She would break and start walking away and then remember that she was indeed still pissed and then she would run back at the security guard. Younger bystander crowd was all sort of trying not to look like they were associated with her, although they probably were. She wasn't crying or drunk, I didn't think. We kept walking incredulously and just sorta muttered to ourselves about the scene.
She was making such a scene,in fact that it wasn't until after I passed that I noticed she had a unicycle!
I noticed it then, because she threw it.
Ok.. not at me...but it my general direction.
Ok I was really far away at this point, but still...she definitley was throwing it.
After that, we finished our walk, leaving the whirling dervish behind and I could NOT stop laughing. I got in one of my silent laughing fits.
Gosh I'm laughing now, as I write this.. so funny.
Uhhhhh, I always throw unicycles when I get mad. Wait,, I don't.
was it brittney spears by any chance? was that mean? poor brit. the only thing that would have made that the best story EVER?....
the chicken dance.
are you sure it wasn't a ham that she threw? "Who 'Froo Dat Unicycle at Me" just doesn't have the same ring to it...
love ya L,
And you called her a Missourian...why?
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