Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Oh yeah...

And I'm going to Ireland.  For work again.  Only six weeks this time.  Broken up in to three separate trips.  Living out of a suitcase... here we come again!
I will get a new camera for this.  Any pointers?  I'm looking for good clear pics out of an ultracompact camera.


annie said...

My camera is awesome. Seriously. It's an Elixim, but I can give you more details if you're interested.

Ireland is my one place to go before I die, so I have a little pity, but just a little...;)

Maddie said...

Sounds exciting, but we'll miss you. Annie asked me yesterday, "where that tall girl with the fishy's mommy? I like her." Yes, she think the botanical gardens is yours. I'm just going with it, so you might want to play along too. I'll tell her the truth when she's 20.

Linz said...

Annie, I have heard of the Elixim, and it's made by Casio, which I have heard mixed things about. I think I have my eye on the Canon Power Shot... and not because I can get them in pretty colors.

Maddie, that made me turn to mush. I will pretend that I am the King of Spain for that kid!

Courtney Patch said...

i recommend the canon elph. i love it. and they come with a pretty high mega pixel count now.

As We Sail... said...

Ohhh, I envy you going to Ireland. I've been to Scotland but didn't have the time or money to do more. Maybe if I live long enough.