Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Last whenever...I think it was Octoberish. I decided I was gonna lose some weight. Encrouaged by a Ms. Peggy Hope who I heard speak about this, I resigned to count calories and exercise more. And to let myself fail as many times as I needed.

I am thrilled to report that as of yesterday I weighed in under 180 pounds for the first time since maybe before high school. (I'm 6'2" this is ok...)

To be specific, I was 179 right when I got back from working out last night, and after I took a bath, I was 178 when I got out of the tub. To which my brother replied "Did you poop in the tub?"

No. I didn't.

Yay. These are good numbers for me and I'm excited. Wanted to tell the world that I have now lost 23 pounds and four dress sizes.

(You probably haven't noticed because I'm tall and I distribute poundage better than say a 5'2" person... but really, you probably haven't noticed because you haven't seen me in months. I am now a nocturnal-underground creature who now only works at my job and works on selling her house and comes up for air and to squint my white glossy mole-type eyes into the sun and say "I used to be fun, really").

And hopefully, since I just bragged to the whole world wide web, the fates wont intervene and I won't gain it all back in a fit of chocolate-covered quesadillas and sleeping.


Greta said...

So cool, I am 5 feet and don't distribute weight evenly it sucks.

Shahn Hogan said...
