In my office building, the coke machine that has been there since day one of my employment, dropping 24oz. bottles of Coke, Diet Coke, Coke with LIME (blech), and tons of other worthless bervages that market research has told them too... FINALLY added to it's arsenal one solitary chute that contains my beloved diet black cherry vanilla coke.
It was one of those great suprises. I faithfully (some could say naively) look everytime I go up to the break room to see if they have added a diet cherry, or even a diet vanilla, never daring to hope for the joy of seeing a diet black cherry vanilla... but today was the day...
And the peasant rejoiced.
My mom is here this weekend for an old fashioned sleep over, just the girls, exploring furniture stores that have never been explored before, watching movies we've seen a hundred times, laughing the laugh of people who share DNA. It's good to be friends with your mom. We dropped my pop off at the airport for his annual week-long golf outing with his boys, and never have I seen a grown man so excited. My mom described him correctly as a "worm in hot ash." He shows up with his suitcases at my door at 12:45 for his 5 o'clock flight. (I live seven and a half minutes from the airport).
I am feeling inspired lately. Inspired probably by God, but through some unlikely people, situations and conversations in my life. Inspiriation that comes from the least likely of places tends to be God tugging at me more often than not. The question that begs to be answered as God stirs my own hot ashes and breathes on them, is "How am I going to respond?"
I long to utter the tear-stained words of Bastien in the Neverending Story: "I'm not afraid anymore, I will do what I dream."
I hope and pray that I look back on my life and see a life poured out, completely emptied.
I hope to be linked up with other believers who, like my subs in the college b-ball days, allow me to run until my lungs burn, to spend everything, to hold nothing back. So that I know that
when the race becomes too long,
when my stamina fails, they will tap in spell me until I can hydrate and return the favor.
(In the meantime, I've bought some acrylic paints... Bob Ross does make it look so easy...but happy little trees are all he ever did. I don't think he explored his full potenial. I just looked at some stuff that was upward of 300 bucks and thought to myself... "Pshaw, I can do that".
Well. I can't. But I'm gonna keep trying.)