Sunday, September 11, 2005

Tasty of Tasties.

It's like a piece of my heart has returned to me.

My dear friend Angela is home from all over the eastern world, and her return has been balm for my soul. I have missed her, and I'm not good at the mushy stuff very often, but she is all that I love in a person. So funny, so real, so compassionate. And to a much lesser degree than most, will act like she doesn't know me when I almost pee my pants in the supermarket after I see a box of cereal called "Organic Gorilla Munch".

Will you stop here and just read that again.


What in the free world is that? It was like a dream, I looked up and saw the box, with the giant gorilla nostrils and the face staring at me, and I almost lost it. Like just saw it and doubled over and had to like limp over to the box to point out what I was dying at. Gosh I'm sitting here writing this and I laugh out loud. Mark, Murph, Patrick, it's the closest I've been to wetting myself, so if you want to work that into your next attempts at bladder busting, that may be helpful.

Anywho. (Gosh just read it again. Organic. Gorilla. Munch. Wow. I really really need help, let me know if anyone else thinks that's pants wettingly funny... I'd say I'm just easily entertained, but that's just not the case.)

Tonite we did a 'get to know you' interview thingy with Mike and Beth the new DR people, and we had the audience write down questions on index cards, and I, talk-show style, censored and selected the anonymous questions and read them to Mike and Beth. Angelas question was "Do you like bacon?" Had Annie! been there I would have sworn it was her doing. But it was Ange, and yes Mike and Beth DO like bacon*. So after that that was settled, Angela and I got to talking about the increasing numbers of people who have "an unusual proclivity for bacon"** and how there should be a website and T-shirts. I agreed. I mentioned the bacon shaped air-freshener hanging from my rear view mirror, and then we went and made BLTs***.

God knew I needed her back here right now. Needed some fresh air, fresh perspective, and to laugh so hard. It's an amazing thing really, that a person can live in another hemishpere for a year and then come back and it feel like they never left.

Very very good, indeed.

*Wondering at this juncture if Mike and Beth also have an unusual proclivity for Kevin Bacon?
**Quote provided courtesy of Casey Finan's journal entry.
***And yes, we used Farmland thick-sliced bacon. It is the best, after all.


J said...

I love bacon, and would take a bath in it if I could. Yummmmmm.

poshiggity said...

mmm...bacon. Don't let Jim Roach cook you bacon, it's like cutting a slab off a live pig and tossing it on your plate. Who's the new DR leaders? Sounds cool already. Your brother should come out to Colorado and drive the ball, it goes about 10% further...yikes.

Nathaniel said...

Lindsey, this is Nathaniel Dempsey. Maybe you can help me with something. Did you know Cynthia McPeak? She played volleyball, and I had a few classes with her. I just saw a commercial on TV with Holly McPeak. I was wondering if they're related. Do you happen to know?

Linz said...

I did know cindy mcpeak, but I don't think she is related... I'm actually not sure...anything is possible...

jane. said...

* they don't sell the farmland kind here but i think i drove past the main plant once. i feel like it's somewhere on the way to minnesota. perhaps in iowa or somewhere like that.