This morning as i got into work, I realized i needed to use the loo. I went into the bathroom and noticed the frothy green toilet water left over from the morning cleaning.
I then noticed a rather large ker-plunking sound.
I looked down at the green frothy water (yes everything here in Ireland is green) and saw no ripple in the bowl, nor could i see anything beneath the froth.
However I had a horrifying thought about what could have just happened. So on a whim, you could say, by faith, with no proof of what was down there, only the knowledge that if what i thought was down there, was indeed down there, there wouldn't be a second to lose, I jammed my hand down into the frothy green water and grabbed.
It was there. My heart sank into the sea-foamy depths of Eire despair.
I dropped my iPhone in the toilet.
It's ruined. Well maybe not all is lost, i did get it turned off quickly. Maybe there is hope...but no hope for phone calls anytime soon.
You would think I'd be heartbroken, but you know.. i think I'm secretly impressed with myself. I mean I have had that phone AWHILE. And I'm JUST now dropping it in toilet water? I gave myself three weeks tops before doing something asinine like this. It's kinda like when I didn't kill my fish for a few years. Snuggles lived a good long life.
As it is with this phone.