Monday, May 17, 2010

Random Text Messages:

To me.  From an unknown number at 6:15 am.

"U better man up.  Wants good.  Sexy. Sheryl"

Me:  "???"  {Who the frack is this?  And what the heck are they saying?  Who do I know named "Sheryl"?}

"Do you know what i'm talking about? Sexy.Sheryl"

Me:  "Who is this?"

"Sheryl.  Sexy. Sheryl."  {Ok.  Must be her signature...Thanks Sheryl.  I thought you were calling ME "Sexy Dot'.}

Me:  "Do I know you?"

"Wow.  Bus 766? Sexy.Sheryl"  {Ok.  Now i'm 100% Sure this is no Sheryl of mine}

Me:  "I think you have the wrong number."

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