Wednesday, November 30, 2005

30 days

I have Buddy from Charles in Charge to thank for my ineptitude in remembering the rhyme for the months.

In one episode, Buddy screws something up thinking that there are only 30 days in August, and proves it by matter of factly reciting the following:

30 Days hath September, April, August and November....

As a result, that rhyme does not work for me. For I have to sit and think which month then replaces August. It's quite a dilemma. I like a good mnemonic device, but damn it Buddy you've ruined me.


Nom de plume said...

Dammit. Now I'm ruined, too. And I don't think I ever watched Charles in Charge. Heresy, I now.

Mark said...

Murl's in charge of the mneumonic device.
Don't ask Buddy for any advice.

Now re-read it and sing it like you stole it.

I fully realize this makes no sense.

I'll shut up now.

dmurl said...

How do you explain to your girlfriend that you can't give her 100% of your love because you already gave away 92% to your bike, your Springsteen tapes, and your leather jacket? With a song-and-dance number, of course! its all about math logic...and i gots it!! yippee..thats what ill tell me future g-friend

Linz said...

Oh schmusty.. the Square One music video reference.

Elisa, Charles in Charge of our days and our nights? You never saw this? This must change. Oh the moral lessons we learn from Charles.

Willie, as ever, ye maketh sense only to me.

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted Charles in charge of me.

(Bercos now breaks into song, "I want Charles in charge of, Charles in charge of ME!") Wasn't that the grand finale of the theme song?

Yes, Elisa, if you truly never saw CIC, that IS pure heresy!

Matt Blazer said...

Blogs are hilarious. Thank Elisa for getting me involved... Appreciated the shout out to my kids... Appreciated the quote on the side, although I think it sprang from Nelson Mandela before your lady-author-friend. Probably depends on whose book is oldest I guess... Once again, blogs are hilarious.

Cary said...

Its June, dammit.