OK. Plumbing Code: All I was going to say about this is God bless America, and the Webster Groves Municipality. I went online to try to figure out how the )@($&^ to get a bathroom put into my basement. What I found were pages and pages of code.
For my job I often get to sift through pages and pages of code about hazardous materials, fire protection, explosion proofing, midget revolt mitigation and the proper handling and storage of deceased persons. Can get very indepth. HOWEVER, I like that they exist. I like that some crusty old engineer a billion years ago and his cronies sat around a table with torches and a gong and conferred and discussed the intended spirit behind the stack of dead trees that would be the Webster Groves Municipal Code. One day the black smoke rose through the city hall chimney and it was done.
I'm very glad indeed. Iif I sound insincere, I assure you I'm not, I love that there are authorties that exist soley to ensure domestic tranquility. It's a pain to sift through and comply with at times, sure, but there seems to be a desire for building excellent homes, and ensuring safety and correcting mistakes that others have made. Hmm.. seems straw is NOT a good choice for building material. This we learn from the three little pigs. The third one, who built his house out of brick, is now and Alderman. His name is Rex. Anyway. I digress. My point is. I like laws that protect me. I like that God gave us his laws so that the wolf wouldn't eat me. I like that people still try to make order from chaos because it's what we were put on earth to do.
OK Gay Hairdressers: I got a haircut today and I used a new stylist at my normal salon. Don, my former favorite gay hairdresser moved to Phoenix. Ray, the second replacement gay hairdresser was busy tointe, and so I recieved Jeremiah. He was a nice looking man, seemed obviously gay, and very well kept and sharp. We get to talking and he asks me if saw the TV cameras out front. Apparantly they were doing something for the super bowl and asking St. Louisans questions or something, and he commented that his co-worker Angie was interviewed and he was not, he explained that Angie hated being on TV because she always looked like a crazy person, and then he said "I always come out a little too gay"
As I sit and dare not laugh. I did not know how to respond. A minute or so (and by a minute I mean an eternity) passes, and he says "I'm NOT, you know". Sure. He proceeds to explain that he is the proud father of 7 and the grandfather of 3. I was floored. This was obviously the most metrosexual man I'd ever met. How many straight male hairdressers do YOU know?
I just don't know still if he was yanking my chain to see if I'd buy it or not.... he may be having a good laugh as we speak at the naive mid-western gal who bought is pseudo family story.
Who knows. It was awkward theatre at it's best.
OK. New awesome roomate: KT Lew is the best!
OK. Jesus Stuff: Heard a great (maybe the best) sermon I've ever heard today from they guy at the Journey about THE GOSPEL. He said so many great, soul-balmy things, but the best was a tie between these: "Christ lived the life I should have lived, and died the death I deserved to die so that I am able to reap the reward that was to be bestowed on him." Or something to that effect, it wasn't his, it is someone elses quote. The other thing he said was "other religions are books of good advice with a little bit of story thrown in, and Christianity differs and the bible differs because it is really a book of a great story with some good advice thrown in."
I go to church and to my mentors and to my bosses even, and constantly say to them "What should i do now?" "How now shall I live?" "How many old ladies to I have to help across the street until you accept me?" Answer. Silence. Silence. Silence. The cross is a legal transaction. It is not to be minimized but not to be reduced by slapping formulas and rules onto it. It is not to be built into a set of regiments which our own consciences call into constant doubt. It is a humble confidence that there is a God. I am not Him, and he has accepted me on the merits of Christ. Not mine. It's so easy and simple.
I'm free to love and free to neither be insecure or superior around ANYONE. Because Christ is the measure that I could not attain.
I need this truth everyday. For my health.
Ok. Liz is awesome: I'll tell you why as soon as I find out if it's confidential or not.
Ok. Disclaimer: Since I've gotten braces, not only is my speech muddled, and confusing, but my thoughts seem to be as well. I think the metal is interrupting the firing of my synapses. It's really rather weird. That is my defense for everything unintelligible that comes out of my head for the next 6 months. Just so you know.
Ok. Hotel Rwanda: Good movie just saw it on DVD. It's got... Joaquin in it. Of course it does.
Lindz!! This is the best blog post yet! A lot of good thoughts! I can't follow them all right now!! There were a lot of points and I can't remember them all right now, but clearly they excited me!!
I liked the quote from the Journey man. I thought you were going to GTCC-Webster now?? Did you switch again and are now at The Journey, with the rest of young st. louis?
Hey kiddo. No I'm still at Webster, and it is definitely my church home for the forseeable future. HOWEVER, i do appreciate the Journey guys sermons and I download them into my ipod and listen to them at work sometimes, he's very good (and oddly enough alot like scott sauls in his preaching).
Wow, what a lot to ponder; thanks, as usual, for the view from your spot in the Son.
Rachel from MN
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